
Saturday, May 29, 2010

This Semester

What have I learnt of the course of this subject
I think the thing I learnt that was of most use to me was the class on ftp. It was good to learn how to use ftp
to submit my website content to athene.
I also learnt a lot about google and the features it provides to its users.
Creating accounts was a major part of this subject of which I now have at least 4 new accounts that provide different things
for me, one of the most important of those being my new Delicious Account.

With my Dilicious Account I can keep track of all my new internet based accounts and the Domain at where I can find them.
It is also great for keeping track of all the important websites I come across on a day to day basis.
Not only have I learnt how to create accounts with these sites but also how to ustilise what they have to offer me.

In this subject I have also learnt how to create website with simple tools like a text editor, or even Microsoft Word.
Using html is very useful as now I have even set up an email footer image with an email address I created for a future business
I'm thinknig of creating. i uploaded the image to Flickr and edited the html code of a personal signature to include the
image source found via Flickr.

Thanks for everything.

Meta Week 12 Blog item

Last week I had the website Assessment. Here is a link to My athene site.

With making my website, I chose to site down and rough plan what it would look like.
As I was to create it at uni I got together all the files I would need to make the site.
This included my header image, reducing my video to a file format small enough to post, and all the images i would need.
Once I had my design draft and all files needed I came into uni to use iWeb to put it all together.
Using Iweb 
In iWeb I chose a layout style I liked and went about creating each page i required.
Some of the difficulties I had was there not being a simple way to make a page longer. Instead I had to add
an element that would remain invisible, like a text box, and drag it down to extend the page.

I also tried to delete the original header to import my own, but as soon as I deleted it the top of the page deleted
and the document moved upwards. S oI did the same as extending the page and left the header box there, just empty
and then put in my graphic.

Adding the images and video was simple enough as well as creating new text boxes. My next hurdle was using the widgets
to do what I wanted. I originally wanted a map using the google maps feature to show CSU Wagga. However when I imported the
feature it kept displaying a place in America. This was fixed however by grabbing the map straight from Google and importing
it that way. This techniques was also used in creating the link late ron once I verfied my site with w3schools.

In the end I ended up using fetch to upload my site to athene about 3 times to fix up thnigs that didn't quite work the way
I was expecting. Using Fetch made it easy to fix up mistakes and in the end I was happy with my final result.
Links to my other sites

 My blogspot account

My delicious Account

My Flickr Account

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I just signed up to here is the email I was sent, with my code T2V4VM8FP8GW

"This is an automatically-generated email.

Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. Technorati will need to verify that you are an author of the site by looking for a unique code. We have just assigned the claim token T2V4VM8FP8GW to this claim. Please visit for more details, including how to use the claim token.

Thank you."

let's see if it works.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


FTP is a protocol used via the interent to transfer files.
With researching the risks of using FTP I came across this site which mentioned the risks are,

  • A user's name and password are transferred in clear text when logging on and can therefore be easily recognized.
  • When using an FTP connection, the transferred data could "stray" to a remote computer and not arrive at their intended destination. Third parties can then download data from the remote system to their own computers, or existing data can be viewed and edited. This presents a significant risk, particularly when transferring company confidential information.
  • FTP can also be used to determine the passwords of individual users, since the password is transferred in clear text when logging on. As a result, even those with unauthorized access to this network can record the password information.

It mentions ways to minimize the risk would be to use SFTP which stands for safe file transfer protocol.
other things which could be done to minimize the risks would be don't use the same passwords for multiple things and don't send material which is sensitive.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CSS Sheets

Using CSS sheets is handy for making visual changes to your page without effecting the information.
Some advantages include being able to update your style over a period of time, without affecting content.
You can also include outside images as your background.
Templates on the other hand are set styles you can chose from.
Templates also have the ability to change font colour, text size and style.
You can also change the background images and all colours.
Templates are limited to a certain amount of fonts colours and images.
There are many different aspects of accessibility with web pages to consider.
The page layout has to be easily navigable and also easy to be found using search engines.

last of all here's a link to colour charts found on the w3schools website, for changing colours using
hexadecimal values.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I found this cool periodic table for FONTS.

I think this is useful for any Graphic Designer.

This image was sourced from

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MPI104_2010 Assessment #1

My Blogger account is
Here is the Link. So far on Blogger I've created 5 posts. I've tried to keep it interesting by having a constant
theme which I knew would flow throughout the subject. That being my AFL Dreamteam.
Here are some links to some of the more interesting blogs heres the 1st and the 2nd. Both talk about my Dreamteam.

To help the Aesthetics of my blog I chose a dark background with light colored writing to help the viewers eyes.
I recently added a picture at the top, and some fish on the side.

Here's a link to all the blogs I've commented on. Most of my comments are very short, and thus probably not too interesting.

When it comes to tags for blogger I got a bit confused. I went to this site but got even more confused, So this being the case haven't used any tags.

My DELICIOUS account is
but for your convenience you can find it here.
So far I have 29 bookmarks, but know that I will soon have more.
The ones of most interest to me are the ones associated to torrent sites.
Being this 1 and this 1 and this 1.
The 1st one has every sort of tv torrent you could want. The 2nd is a sort of blog about all the latest releases for people interested in downloaded anything.
And the last is where you go to download your torrents for everything else but also tv.

My Flickr account is
I currently have 26 images on here. I started it a while ago to show extra images of an item I was selling on ebay.
my 3 favourite images are. This mag cover I made as part of an assignment. Me shooting my brains out, also an assignment,
and An image I created of my boss.


Ok so the dreamteam is well under way now. I've finally managed to crack the 2000 point per game mark.
Although I wish i could say it was with my original team. I actually created a new team 3 weeks in with the players i wish
I could have.
Anyway its all going well. although i also do footy tipping. both AFL and NRL. last week I was coming 258th out of about 50000 ppl on 
sportsbet for the NRL until last week I pick 1 out of 8 n dropped to over 4000th position.
Anyway, theres plenty of time to redeem.

Blogs I've commented on.

 Just an update to help me remember who's blogs I've commented on. 

Week 3 blogs

Week 4+5 Blogs -

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 4 blog Delicious

Just like when Bruce McAvaney was talking about Cyril Rioli, today It's all about "Delicious"
My Account will show you all the links I have saved so far. I think this tool will be interesting,
but more so as time progresses. I know there's been times when I've found a great site,
haven't bookmarked it then tried to find it again and failed.

As for my 1st post about my Dreamteam here's an update. I decided to pick 3 mid range guys for the ruck. Looking back on it now It probably wasn't a wise choice. I should've went 1 high priced guy with 1 mid range.
At the moment my team is averaging around the 1700 points a week mark, which isn't great. In fact my missus created her 1st team and it scores better than mine.
Anyway i've got 20 trades for the year so may as well start fixing my team.

Flickr blog post

Flickr is an interesting program. I find it to be more useful to professional photographers with images to display.
For my account I've added images that I've created, and also created a set which is my portfolio which I intend to
forward people to who would like to view my work. I do however find the navigation of Flickr a bit tedious and could be
improved upon.
Anyway here's My Account I hope you find some interesting images on it.
And here is a particular image I think would be of interest.
I created it last year using photoshop.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

week 3 blogpost

For my 1st post I'm going to be talking about my current AFL Dreamteam.
The season is only a week away now so it's almost time to have your team finalised for round 1.
How it works for those that don't know, Is basically you get a $7,962,500 salary cap and have to select 30 players for positions all over the ground.
Everyone gets the same salary cap and the choice of all players in the AFL. Once the season starts you can only make 2 player trades a week and a total of 20 trades over the 22week season.
My delemas at the moment is with my Rucks. I can't decide whether to go with a known performer and a youngster, or 2 that are back of the injured list from last year.
If you want to make a team for yourself
click here
to go to the website to get started.
I'll have more on which way I ended up going with my Ruck devision next week.